Iress Limited (Iress) and companies within its group (together, the Iress Group) are committed to complying with all applicable legal obligations including, without limitation, the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (UK) (a UK Act) and the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) (an Australian Act) (the Acts). We are committed to better understanding and more effectively managing the risk of modern slavery within our operations and supply chain.

Iress released its third Modern Slavery Statement in June 2023 in accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (UK) (a UK Act) and the Modern Slavery Act 2018 (Cth) (an Australian Act). This statement is available here and the Australian Border Force Modern Slavery Portal.

In 2023 we engaged a human rights consultancy to support risk identification across operations and supply chain as well as assess due diligence and remediation mechanisms. Across the full scope of Iress’ supply chain, the following spend categories were noted to be high risk for modern slavery and potential human rights violations.

Key priorities to address Modern Slavery risk and human rights toolkit development include:

  • Category management plans: covering merchandise, labour hire and electronics.
  • Modern Slavery Governance: key business stakeholders to be onboarded and engaged in the newly formed Supplier Council.
  • Strengthening due diligence: develop efficient and credible processes and methods for supplier due diligence.
  • Improving supplier engagement: create a structured process for engagement around meeting appropriate standards and improve the Supplier Code of Conduct by aligning it with UNGPs and relevant industry initiatives.
  • Conducting third party audits and disclose outcomes: go beyond self-assessment and request high-risk suppliers undertake third party verification audits and publish the audit results transparently.
  • Strengthening remediation procedures: implement effective grievance mechanisms.

Modern slavery statements are available for download below:

2020 Modern Slavery Act Statement

2021 Modern Slavery Act Statement

2022 Modern Slavery Act Statement