Iress has today announced a new partnership with Ensombl aimed at strengthening support for its community of advisers and paraplanners. The partnership reaffirms Iress’ commitment to helping Australian financial advice professionals improve efficiency through the best practice use of technology.

The partnership will see a new dedicated Iress Space created on the Ensombl community platform, offering a valuable resource for advisers and paraplanners to upskill their tech knowledge. Through this initiative, Iress experts will drive conversations via new content, facilitating discussions and addressing advisers’ questions directly, as well as provide practical tips and support to optimise their usage of Xplan. Additionally, these experts will also take part in the broader community discussions across the Ensombl platform, sharing insights and guidance on leveraging technology to enhance operational efficiency and boost productivity.

Iress’ Executive General Manager - Wealth, Kelli Willmer, said: “The team at Ensombl have done a great job building a highly collaborative, independent community of like-minded advice professionals. We’re proud to join them to support the advice industry to improve its tech know-how, as well as provide another touchpoint for our clients to see how they can improve their ways of working through the best practice use of Xplan.

“We’ve seen through Advisely there’s a huge appetite for content and support on how to level up efficiency. We look forward to extending this support through the Ensombl community.” 

Ensombl's Chief Product Officer, Emily Jenkins, said: “Ensombl’s purpose is to ensure genuine advice problems help shape the innovation delivering new marketplace solutions. One of the first steps on the journey to efficiency is for advisers to extract maximum output from technology and processes they already have in place. 

“Xplan is used extensively by many advice practices within our network, and launching the Space opens up a direct communication channel between frontline users and the technical expertise of Iress. Making such support so easily accessible should prove empowering for Xplan users and those seeking greater efficiency. Furthermore, the Space provides a forum via which Iress can harness the wants and needs of progressive advice practices and reflect them in their future product roadmap.”

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