The Australian technology industry faces a growing skills shortage. We have started discussions with the Australian government to introduce a national apprenticeship scheme for technology - for school leavers or those changing careers.
We’ve had success with a technology apprenticeship scheme in the UK. Not everyone can or wants to go to university and many don’t need to.
Iress has teamed up with Catapult, MYOB, REA Group, SEEK and Slack to progress this. If you're interested in hearing more and getting on board, please get in touch below.
COVID-19 has had a profound impact on Australians and the industry at large. Alongside some of Australia’s largest local technology companies we have proposed a solution that supports job creation and growth in this critical sector.
Iress CEO Andrew Walsh, along with five other company bosses, have called for a formal IT apprenticeship scheme because of the desperate skills shortage in the sector. Read the full story as featured in the AFR.
COVID-19 will continue to bring significant change. There’s a real opportunity for the technology industry to reskill Australians and help get the economy back on track - shares Andrew Walsh in The Mandarin.
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